Meet the YWP Teacher Consultants

Our team consists of educators from a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. What we all share, however, is a passion for the power of writing in our lives and in our classrooms.

The Team

  • Allison Wynhoff-Olsen

    YWP Director

  • Katie Duncan

    Fire on the Page Director

  • Tammy Dalling

    YWP Co-Director and Young Writers’ Director

  • Kimberly King

    Youth Camp Director

  • Peter Strand

    Professional Development Coordinator

  • Tracy Babcock

    Silent Film Festival Coordinator

  • Will Fassbender

    Podcast Host

  • Jake Lile

    Website Developer


We are teachers who write and writers who teach. We are professionals who seek out other professionals to create an engaged learning community.

We believe in professional collaboration that starts with human connection and challenges us to find and enact the highest potential in our students and ourselves.

We believe in teaching as a community endeavor, not an isolated activity in a single classroom but work made better through conversation, shared writing, and revision–much like the act of writing itself.

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.